GOLO Diet: Is it Worth Trying to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals?

Last Updated on July 11, 2022

Are you looking for a new weight loss program?

You probably have heard about the GOLO diet.

This popular approach to dieting is the most searched diet program in 2016 according to Google search ranking.

However, just because this diet is popular, it does not mean that it is effective.

This article will take an in-depth look at the GOLO diet.

Because weight loss is not an easy task, it is essential to find the right diet.

By taking a good look at the diet program, its costs and the feedback from the users, you will know whether this way of eating can help you with your weight loss goal or if the diet is nutritious and safe.

We dig into the ingredients, side effects, and all the rest you should know before investing your money into GOLO Diet.

golo diet plan

What is GOLO Diet?

GOLO Diet is the most searched diet on the Internet in 2016 and has retained its popularity even until this day.

Created by a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety and depression, Dr. Keith Ablow, it claims to provide a natural and healthy solution that can help in weight gain.

It is a diet plan that centers on meals with reduced calories, sticking to a recommended 1,300 to 1,800 calorie intake a day.

Aside from cutting on the calories, there is a recommended herbal supplement that accompanies the diet called Release.

According to the creators of the diet, by combining the supplement with the right meal plan, it can help optimize the levels and insulin and glucose in the body which can lead to the burning of excess fat and minimizing the loss of muscle.

The website of GOLO diet claims an expected improvement of about 1 to 2 pounds per week.

The weight loss program can be purchased starting for $39.95 which includes:

  • The 30 to 90-day weight loss supplement, Release
  • Exclusive access to the website along with its support tools and other services
  • Different lifestyles and diet reading materials to help you with the meal plans including “The Metabolic Fuel Matrix. This is a guidebook that explains the meal plans.

The diet plan includes the following:

  • 1300-1800 calories daily
  • Three well-balanced meals daily
  • Dining out is allowed if you follow the eating guidelines provided
  • Portion controls
  • 15 minutes per day or 105 minutes a week of high-intensity training exercises
  • Weight loss supplement during each meal.

Because the diet is concentrated on insulin management, the recommended foods are mostly low in glycemic index.

The supplement’s role in this weight loss program is to help n the promotion of weight loss by targeting the stubborn body fat.

The Metabolic Fuel Matrix

GOLO’s Metabolic Fuel Matrix has an eating plan that focuses on eating real and whole foods that will deliver the right amount of macro and micronutrients that our body needs.

It includes carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, and even fats.

These will help the body have stable insulin levels. Without the right amount of food in the body, it can lead to hunger and fatigue and often creates isolation.

By following the meal plans, your body will feel full and reduce cravings and hunger and along the way learn the right combinations of healthy food that can help in promoting weight loss.

When it becomes a habit, you will be on your way to maintaining your weight once your ideal weight is achieved.

According to Covington, since every individual has different metabolic rate or energy needs, the number of well-balanced Matrix meals will vary.

What is good about this diet plan is you can pick the foods you want based on your needs, and it includes whole foods like eggs, butter, fruits, meats, vegetables and grains, even bread and pasta.

You can also get a guide on how to prepare these meals with the ‘Creating Matrix Meals’ guide that is included in the package.

golo diet plan

Release Supplement

The Release supplement is a patented product by GOLO.

It uses all-natural ingredients sourced from different parts of the world and promises to help the user optimize the performance of insulin in the body and increase the sensitivity of cell receptors.

As a result, this supplement is an essential support in the body’s metabolism in many ways.

It can promote the release of fats in the body, regulate glucose to cease weight gain and reduce cravings, heals metabolic dysfunction and balance the hormones to reduce stress and improve mood.

The recommended intake of Release is with every meal, but once the insulin is optimized, you can cease using the supplement. According to the website, most of its members take Release for an average of 3-6 months.

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The GOLO Release Ingredients

The accompanying supplement of GOLO weight loss program, Release contains at least primary ingredients, based on the Nutrition Facts on its label.

This mineral is essential to the body as it helps in promoting healthy heart, strong bones and proper circulation of blood in the body.

Some studies claimed that magnesium is also helpful in reestablishing the resistance to insulin in patients with Type-2 Diabetes who have deficiencies.

There is no substantial evidence that magnesium can help in weight loss or in improving metabolism. Magnesium is abundant in foods like spinach, almonds, and legumes.

This is an essential mineral that can be found to exist naturally in some foods. There are limited studies that support Zinc supplementation as a necessary ingredient in weight loss.

Too much intake of zinc can be harmful to the body, and it should be taken in regulation. Certain foods are rich in Zinc like oysters, fortified cereals and red meats. Health professional caution patients who are under antibiotics or medications for rheumatoid arthritis to limit their intake.

This is a mineral that should be taken by the body in small amounts.

There are little pieces of evidence that support the use of supplements rich in chromium in improving glucose control, and these pieces of evidence remain inconclusive.

There is also no evidence that chromium can help in weight loss. Chromium is naturally available in certain foods like red wine, broccoli, and whole grains.

Proprietary Blend of Herbal Compound

Because it is proprietary, GOLO website does not disclose the amount of these ingredients in each capsule. They have listed the following herbal ingredients in Release food supplements:

  • Rhodiola – this is a root extract that is said to improve performance during exercise and reduce fatigue. On the downside, it can also cause dizziness and thirst.
  • Inositol – is a known nutrient that is used in psychiatry to treat depression.
  • Berberine HCl (Extract from Barberry root) – in some successful attempts this ingredient helps in treating diabetes.
  • Gardenia extract – there are a handful of studies that support its contribution to weight loss and all of them remains inconclusive.
  • Banaba leaf extract – this is a known herbal ingredient that helps in managing diabetes.
  • Salacia bark extract – another herbal ingredient that helps to manage diabetes.
  • Apple fruit extract – this ingredient boosts the intake of pectin, a soluble fiber. It can help you feel full longer after eating.

How Does GOLO Diet Works?

There is no direct discussion on how this weight loss program works.

You can only infer using the information available on its website. It contains details on what you need to do to achieve weight loss goals.

First, you are expected to be aware of your calorie intake. The recommended amount from 1300 to 1800 calories daily.

There no restriction on food but you should eat a well-balanced three meals a day.

You are also allowed to eat at restaurants if you follow the eating guidelines they provide.

Second, you also need to practice portion control since you need to watch over the number of calories you eat.

You also need to do exercises for 15 minutes daily or 105 minutes weekly. It is preferable that you do high-intensity workouts.

Lastly, you need to consume the supplement with every meal. This supplement is the foundation of the diet and what makes the program different.

Pros and Cons of GOLO Diet


For GOLO weight loss program the promising pace 1 to 2 pounds per week is a safe rate when losing weight.

The recommended daily calories are also safe and a good recommendation even without medical intervention.

Eating well-balanced meal from whole foods like vegetables, whole grains and fruits are also safe and an effective weight loss plan.

What We Liked

  • It has an excellent BBB rating of A, but it has no accreditation
  • There are no stimulants or allergens present in the supplement like gluten, soy or dairy.
  • Focus on mental health aspects because the program does not only provide meal plans, but it also focuses on the cause of weight gains like stress and emotional eating.


Because the diet is built on the premise that it can help control the insulin and glucose levels in the body by pairing the right food with a supplement, this does not appear valid.

For people with weight issues or obese, weight loss alone can regulate the blood sugar levels even without the supplement.

What We Don’t Like

  • This weight loss plan is not for everyone like pregnant women and diabetics. People with severe health conditions should also consult their doctors first because it may interfere with their current medications.
  • There is not enough evidence to support the effectiveness of the product.
  • The FDA does not approve the weight loss supplement.
  • The GOLO reviews may or may not be accurate. Some reviewers do not list any weight loss experience.

Any Side Effects?

According to the GOLO website, “There are no known side effects, and no adverse events have been reported in over five years of sales of the Release supplement.” Furthermore, according to them, the supplement is safe for Type-2 diabetics and pre-diabetics.

If there are any side effects, it can be a mild case of stomach upset related to zinc, magnesium, chromium, inositol, and Salacia.

It should not be readily associated with the supplement since the company only has the formulation for the compound blend.

Reviews & Risks

If you visit the website and look at the Reviews section for the GOLO weight loss plan, you will find many statements and reports by medical professionals without mentioning their credentials.

Even the creator of this weight loss program is a psychiatrist and does not have any qualifications related to weight loss. If you are a smart consumer, you might find this skeptical as usually reviews have noted experts in the field.

Another area of concern is there are no peer-reviewed researches present.

Weight loss programs that are published in peer-reviewed journals have more credibility because the investigations follow structured review guidelines and unbiased conclusions.

The examinations provided on their websites do not support this, and these studies were not published in scientific journals.

However, the lack of strong GOLO reviews and researches does not mean that the diet is just a fad or may cause harm.

If you have hormonal imbalances, dysfunctional metabolism and lower sensitivity to insulin, the safest course of action is to consult your physician first.

So, Does GOLO Diet Work?

Some people may have successfully lost their weight when they went into the GOLO diet. But it may be only due to their caloric restrictions and high-intensity exercise; both activities can be done even without the program.

When a dieter consumes only 1300 to 1800 calories daily and burns a few calories more through exercise, they are producing a calorie deficit that is required in losing weight.

Maybe the supplement can help you lose weight faster, but there is no direct evidence for that. Some pieces of evidence correlate the ingredients to weight loss, but they all remain inconclusive.


Trying to lose weight on your own is very hard, hence the never-ending search for an effective weight loss program.

It gets more complicated when different companies promise effective results with their enticing claims and complicated terminologies.

The GOLO weight loss plan combines calories restriction, portion control, and intensive exercises, which you can do even without availing the program.

The best solution is to turn to a health care team or a dietician for weight loss advice.

They can help you sort through the claims and make recommendations for your health goals.

You can also look for alternatives where you will not end up purchasing cost meal plans and supplements. You will find ways to gain a healthier and stronger body without spending.

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